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    How Brands Can Leverage the Rising #Deinfluence Trend on TikTok

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    The rise of social media has changed the way we interact with brands, and TikTok is no exception. In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of the #Deinfluence trend, where users create content that challenges traditional advertising methods and highlights the flaws of influencer culture. In this article, we will explore how brands can leverage this trend to reach their audience effectively in the MENA region, along with three use cases.

    TikTok is a powerful platform for brands to connect with their audience, with 2 billion downloads worldwide and over 120 million monthly active users in the MENA region alone. However, the rise of #Deinfluence has seen a shift in the way users consume content on social media. Instead of relying solely on influencer marketing, users are seeking authentic, relatable content that feels less like a sales pitch and more like a conversation. This trend presents an opportunity for brands to create content that resonates with their audience and build genuine connections.

    Partner with real people, not just influencers

    The #Deinfluence trend on TikTok is all about promoting authenticity and transparency. Instead of relying solely on traditional influencers, brands should consider partnering with real people who embody their brand values. These could be employees, customers, or social media followers who are passionate about the brand. By featuring real people in their content, brands can showcase the diversity of their audience and build a more authentic connection with their followers.

    Also read: These tips will help brands improve relation with influencers

    Highlight diversity and inclusivity

    Diversity and inclusivity are essential components of the #Deinfluence trend. Brands that prioritize diversity and inclusivity in their marketing campaigns are more likely to resonate with TikTok’s young and diverse audience. Brands can highlight diversity and inclusivity in their content by featuring people from different backgrounds, body types, and identities. They can also partner with creators who promote diversity and inclusivity on their channels.

    Be transparent about sponsored content

    The #Deinfluence trend is all about transparency and authenticity. Brands should be transparent about sponsored content and disclose when they are working with creators or influencers. This not only helps to build trust with consumers but also ensures that brands are complying with advertising guidelines. Brands can use hashtags like #sponsored, #ad, or #partner to disclose sponsored content.

    Encourage user-generated content

    User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to tap into the #Deinfluence trend on TikTok. UGC is content created by users rather than brands or influencers. Brands can encourage UGC by hosting challenges or contests that invite followers to create and share their own content. This not only helps to promote authenticity but also increases brand awareness and engagement.

    Embrace imperfections

    The #Deinfluence trend is all about embracing imperfections and promoting authenticity. Brands can leverage this trend by showcasing their imperfections or embracing the imperfections of their partners or customers. For example, a fashion brand could feature real people of different body types in their content rather than relying solely on professional models. This helps to promote a more inclusive and relatable brand image.

    Also read: Reach New Audiences and Boost Sales with TikTok Influencer Marketing

    Brands that leveraged the #Deinfluence trend on Tiktok

    L’Oreal Paris Arabia

    L’Oreal Paris Arabia is one of the many brands that have successfully leveraged the #Deinfluence trend on TikTok. Instead of relying on traditional advertising methods or influencer marketing, L’Oreal Paris Arabia launched the “Makeup In Real Life” campaign. This campaign featured real women sharing their makeup routines, complete with mistakes and imperfections, in a bid to celebrate diversity and authenticity. The campaign was a hit on TikTok, with the hashtag #MakeupInRealLife garnering over 54 million views.


    Almarai is another brand that has capitalized on the #Deinfluence trend on TikTok. Instead of relying on influencer marketing, Almarai launched a campaign that featured ordinary people sharing their love for Almarai products. The campaign, which used the hashtag #I_Love_Almarai, was a hit with users, with over 10 million views on the platform. By featuring real people and their stories, Almarai was able to build a more authentic connection with its audience, resulting in increased engagement and brand loyalty.


    Zara is a fashion brand that has embraced the #Deinfluence trend on TikTok. Instead of relying solely on influencer marketing, Zara launched a campaign that featured real people styling Zara clothing in their own unique ways. The campaign, which used the hashtag #ZaraInMyCloset, was a hit with users, with over 1.4 billion views on the platform. By featuring real people instead of influencers, Zara was able to build a more authentic connection with its audience, resulting in increased engagement and sales.

    The #Deinfluence trend is changing the way brands interact with their audience on TikTok. Instead of relying solely on influencer marketing, brands are embracing authenticity and creating content that feels more relatable and less like a sales pitch. In the MENA region, brands like L’Oreal Paris Arabia, Almarai, and Zara have successfully leveraged this trend to build a more genuine connection with their audience. By featuring real people and their stories, these brands have been able to create content that resonates with their audience, resulting in increased engagement and brand loyalty.

    Also read: Influencer Marketing Trends to Watch Out For In 2023

    As more users become disillusioned with traditional advertising methods and influencer culture, brands that embrace authenticity and create relatable content will be the ones that succeed on TikTok. By leveraging the #Deinfluence trend, brands can build a more genuine connection with their audience and create content that feels less like a sales pitch and more like a conversation. The MENA region presents a unique opportunity for brands to connect with their audience on TikTok, and those that embrace this trend will be the ones that thrive in 2023 and beyond.

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